Gigabit Infrastructure Act Proposal


The EU has long taken steps to improve connectivity and stimulate economic growth. To this end, it has eliminated roaming charges across the EU and funded the installation of Wi-Fi access points through the WiFi4EU initiative. It also provides funds, technical guidelines and support to public administrations and businesses to improve network coverage and promote the uptake of 5G in Europe.

The EU is also investing in research into 6G networks through the “Common Enterprise for Smart Networks and Services”. The goal of the Digital Decade is for all European households to have access to gigabit networks and all populated areas to have 5G networks by 2030. The key legislation in this area is the European Electronic Communications Code, the Recommendation on the relevant markets and the connectivity toolbox.

In this context, on 23 February 2023, the Commission unveiled a number of actions to ensure gigabit connectivity across the EU by 2030, in line with the objectives of the Digital Decade of Europe. These actions include:

  1. Proposal for the “Gigabit Infrastructure Regulation”, which sets out new rules to accelerate and reduce the deployment of gigabit networks across the EU. The law will simplify and digitise permitting procedures and promote civil work coordination to reduce deployment costs.
  2. Draft recommendation on gigabit, which provides guidance to national regulatory authorities to facilitate access to networks for operators with significant market power. The aim is to encourage the rapid abandonment of traditional technologies and to promote the rapid deployment of gigabit networks.
  3. Consultation on the future of the telecommunications sector, to gather views on developments in the sector and connectivity infrastructures. It seeks to identify the infrastructures needed to lead the digital transformation and ensure that investments are made in a timely manner across the EU.

These actions aim to improve connectivity in Europe, facilitate the uptake of advanced technologies and promote a single market for electronic communications.