The delegation of the chamber of commerce of Spain to the European Union
Office of institutional representation at the service of the Territorial Chambers of Commerce and the Spanish business fabric to the European institutions.
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On 2 May 2018, the Commission submitted legislative proposals for a new MFF for the period 2021-2027. In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, on 27 May 2020 the Commission put forward a recovery plan (NextGenerationEU) that included revised proposals for the MFF and own resources, and the setting up of a recovery instrument worth EUR 750 billion. The package was adopted on 16 December 2020 following interinstitutional negotiations.

Eurochambres is the Association of European chambers of commerce and industry. Established in 1958 as a direct response to the creation of the European Economic Community. Eurochambres acts as the eyes, ears and voice of the Chambers and business community.
Eurochambres represents over 20 million businesses in Europe through 45 members (43 national associations of chambers of commerce and industry and two transnational chamber organisations) and a European network of 1700 regional and local chambers. More than 93% of these businesses are small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Chambers’ member businesses employ over 120 million people.