José Vicente Morata stresses the importance of the single market and the customs union to improve the competitiveness and productivity of companies.


From left to right: José Vicente Morata, Vice-President of Eurochambres; János Bóka, Minister for EU Affairs and Vladimir Dlouhý, President of Eurochambres.

Budapest, 25/09/2024.- José Vicente Morata, Vice-President of Eurochambres (ECH) and Vice-President of the Eurochambres Single Market Committee, participated today in the ECH Presidency meeting in Budapest. During the meeting, an exchange of views took place with the Hungarian government's Minister for EU Affairs, János Bóka.

The meeting addressed a number of issues, including the priorities for the new period 2024-2029. Morata stressed the urgency of modernising and simplifying both the internal market and the customs union.

She also stressed the importance of administrative reduction and simplification, one of the main challenges for EU companies, especially for SMEs, which spend an average of 7.5 hours a week complying with bureaucratic requirements. In this regard, he gave as an example the work of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, which in the last 15 years has presented more than 900 proposals to simplify or eliminate administrative burdens for companies. Of these proposals, more than 50% have been accepted and implemented by the General State Administration in collaboration with the corresponding ministries.